Sunday, November 1, 2015

"Hello, you look very good!"..."Thaaaanks! Oh, what a polite little......robot?"

Isn't it the cutest? This little guy was recently introduced in the CEATEC Japan (Cutting Edge IT & Electronics Comprehensive Exhibition) held near Tokyo.  RoboHon is the most polite and friendly robot in the market.

This electronic marvel was developed by Sharp electronics, and like all new robots, has diverse and useful features for consumers to enjoy. First of all, is important to point out that the majority are calling it "Smartphone-Robot" and they could not be more wrong. This friendly buddy indeed is able to make a phone call if necessary, but the awesome feature is that he can ask you "why you want to call your exgirlfriend? didn't you break up?" isn't that handy? 

RoboHon's underlying operating system via a tailor-made Android version, according to Sharp, completely fulfilled their expectations mainly because he is even more friendly than expected #truestory. Besides preventing disasters, the robot is able to take pictures, videos and diverse data and display them on voice command through a HD projector attached to its eyes.

It can recognize different faces to acknowledge who is coming by happily raising its arms. Having a sad, lonely day? Don't worry about it, RoboHon can recognize your voice, mood and the longer you talk to him the faster he will get to know you and eventually become your friend or cheer you up with catchy phrases. Not enough? He will jump and dance on request to make his owner happy. That's the kind of robot he is. How cool is that? 

Ok well, he may not be handy and probably won't succeed in many countries, but there is something to it. Sharp somehow managed to create a mini-buddy, which may be "frowned upon" in some cultures, but let's be honest and seriously picture the following: 

You are living alone in a new country, you don't have friends, family, and co-workers are not very warm. TV is boring, the internet won't help and all you want is to talk with someone that actually knows you. Would you think of RoboHon as an alternative? Super weird and #foreveralone; yeah totally. 

Is it?

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